What to do if your Vivo phone is frozen

What to do if your Vivo phone is frozen FAQ

Experienced users try to buy smartphones with high performance and speed. Such models are not cheap at all, but they are really worth their money. However, after spending a lot of money on your favorite gadget, you should not hope for its eternal performance. Mobile devices, regardless of their price tag and technical characteristics, have one unpleasant feature - after some time of operation they begin to hang up. Vivo gadgets are not devoid of this disadvantage. The so-called "braking" of devices takes from a couple of seconds to several minutes, which irritates users enormously. Therefore, our experts present to our readers the answer to a common question: what to do if your Vivo phone hangs up?

Why the smartphone freezes

The first place to start looking for a solution to the problem is to determine the cause of the problem. The smartphone is a very functional gadget, so there are a lot of prerequisites for the occurrence of problems.

So, let's look at the most common reasons why your Vivo phone hangs:

  • too much cache (it is recommended to regularly peel);
  • multiple applications running in the background at the same time;
  • presence of unused applications in the smartphone memory;
  • presence of viruses on your smartphone.

In general, problems with freezing occur when the memory is full. However, it is not uncommon for problems to occur due to virus files accidentally getting into the device. For these reasons, the gadget begins to slow down unexpectedly for the user in a variety of situations. And how to overcome such troubles - let's consider below.

Options for solving the problem

What to do if your Vivo phone is frozen

Our experts have collected several answers to the question of what to do if your Vivo phone hangs up. Since situations are different, users will have to look for a solution to the problem individually. We present to our readers all possible methods of troubleshooting, among which you will surely find the best option for yourself.

Restarting the phone

The first thing users think about when their Vivo gadget hangs up is to reboot it. This method is really simple and effective, but it is applicable only to older models of smartphones and button phones. Vivo products have a non-disassembled body, and therefore it is not possible to remove the battery to disconnect it. Therefore, you will need to reset the battery in a different way.

The manufacturer has provided in its smartphones the opportunity to Emergency forced restart system. This can be done in the following way:

  1. Simultaneously press the lock and volume up buttons.
  2. Wait for the display to turn off and the case to vibrate, then release the keys.

On some models of Vivo smartphones, a combination of lock and volume reduction keys works.

This method is advisable to use only if all mechanical buttons are functional. It does not give the expected result in all situations, but it is considered the easiest and safest.

If the key does not work

What to do if your Vivo phone is frozen

A more unpleasant case is when the gadget hangs and the lock button does not respond. Here there are several options for solving the problem, as a universal method has not yet been invented.

First of all, it is recommended to try the method incoming call. To do this, you need to call the hung-up device from any other phone. If the device displays an incoming call, you will need to quickly call the reset menu by pressing the power key. Otherwise, if there is no change in the display, you should use another method.

The second option is. complete battery discharge. When the battery charge drops to a minimum, the device will automatically shut down. This will also interrupt the processes that contributed to the system malfunction. And you will be able to check whether the problem is solved after recharging your smartphone.

The same methods will work if the hung Vivo smartphone is locked and the display does not respond to touch.

Hangs on power on

Another not so pleasant situation - Vivo hangs splash screen. In this case, the user has to watch the logo on the screen for a long time, which does not change in any way.

In this case, you will need to do the following steps:

  1. Put the device on charge to prevent a sudden shutdown due to a dead battery.
  2. Simultaneously press the power and volume up keys until the Recovery menu appears.
  3. Select "Reboot System Now".

If no serious system failures have occurred on your smartphone, it will restart within a minute. After switching on, nothing should interfere with the operation of the gadget. However, if the hang-up is due to the failure of individual components, there is a risk of losing files from the internal memory.

Video tutorial


What should I do if my Vivo smartphone hangs too often?
It is advisable to perform preventive procedures. Memory cleaning actions (deleting cache, unwanted applications, photos, music, videos, etc.) will do the trick. In addition, it is recommended to install an antivirus program on the smartphone to monitor the appearance of malicious files and timely "destroy" them.
What should I do if my gadget hangs after a system update?
In this case, only a hard reset of the smartphone will help.
Is it possible to solve the problem with braking during the game?
Yes. To do this, it is recommended to follow the following rules: install games only from official stores, do not turn on low power mode and do not play when the battery is low.
Why does my smartphone hang when I try to unlock the screen?
In most cases, this is due to the use of third-party lock screens or Launchers. Therefore, it is recommended to remove them and leave the original BBK Launcher.

Sudden freezing of the smartphone is a very frightening situation for ordinary users. It is quite possible to solve this problem on your own. However, not in all cases, the actions of users turn out to be safe and effective. Therefore, faced with such a trouble once, you should not allow it again in the future. Experts strongly recommend performing preventive actions, maintaining the performance of your gadget as long as possible. And when an unpleasant situation occurs, you can safely refer to our article for advice and useful instructions.

Yegor Borisov

Technoblogger, author of several projects about smart devices. I write articles on how to properly configure Vivo phones and optimize the Funtouch OS shell for beginners.

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